Miller_Homestead_3_bear_logo Millers Homestead
Natural Honey
Spokane Washington
14606 S. Stangland Rd
Cheney, Washington
Phone Number - 1-509-299-9085
E-Mail - Jim
or - Jenine
Revised - 02/06/2025
Bee Purchase 2025

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We are now taking orders for just Queens or 3 pound Bee packages with Queens. The Queens will be Italian or Carniolan.
They will arrive in the morning of April 12, 2025 on Saturday.
They can be only be picked up from our store in Cheney between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. on Saturday

Any special requests can be emailed to Jim.
E-Mail - Jim

Honey Bees Full Price Down Payment Remainder owing
3 pound package of bees with Carniolan Queen. The price is $161.87 plus sales tax.
You can pay the full amount, or a non refundable deposit of $100.00, or the remainder owing on a package of bees.
3 pound package of bees with Italian Queen. The price is $161.87 plus sales tax.
You can pay the full amount, or a non refundable deposit of $100.00, or the remainder owing on a package of bees.

Queens Price
Carniolan Queen
The price is $49.50 plus sales tax
Italian Queen
The price is $49.50 plus sales tax

- Jim