Miller_Homestead_3_bear_logo Millers Homestead
Natural Honey
Spokane Washington
14606 S. Stangland Rd
Cheney, Washington
Phone Number - 1-509-299-9085
E-Mail - Jim
or - Jenine
Revised - 05/28/2024

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Prices subject to change without notice.

Beekeeping Equipment Price
Economy Hive Tool $16.49
Stainless Steel 9 1/2" Hive Tool $21.53
Maxant Hive Tool $16.49
Bee Brush $9.94
Stainless Steel Smoker With Shield $34.13
Frame Grip $20.52
Frame Perch $20.23
Frame Cleaner $10.63
Western Division Board Feeder with cap n ladder $11.25
Deep Division Board Feeder with cap n ladder $11.25
Entrance Boardman Feeder $8.04
Double screen - 10 frame $20.25
600 Micron Filter $11.19
1 1/2" Plastic Gate $19.25
Serrated Uncapping Knife $52.52
Electric Uncapping Knife $149.75
Stainless Steel Hand Crank Extractor $424.60
Cappings Scratcher $13.44
Comb Cutter $19.94
Bee Escape $5.94
Metal Queen Excluder $13.94
Propolis Trap $9.39
Metal Frame Rest $0.27
Mouse Guard $12.28