Miller_Homestead_3_bear_logo Millers Homestead
Natural Honey
Spokane Washington
14606 S. Stangland Rd
Cheney, Washington
Phone Number - 1-509-299-9085
E-Mail - Jim
or - Jenine
evised - 03/08/2025

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Prices subject to change without notice.
Wooden Hive Parts Price
Unpainted Telescoping Cover with Galvanized Metal Top $54.00
Inner Cover $23.73
Builtup Ventilated Inner Cover $27.85
Insulating Wrap $25.00
Insulating Skirting Cover $10.00
Burlap Box $10.00
Box entension $5.00

Hive Body Price
Assembled Unpainted Hive Body $29.13
Assembled Deep 9 1/8" Frame with Plasticell Foundation $4.77

Western Honey Super Price
Assembled Unpainted Western Honey Super $28.19
Assembled Western 6 1/4" Frame with Plasticell Foundation $4.64

Honey Shallow Boxes Price
Assembled Unpainted Shallow $28.19
5 3/8" Assembled Frame with Thin Surplus Wax Foundation $3.75

Frame Parts Price
9 1/8" Unassembled Frame $1.88
6 1/4" Unassembled Frame $1.88
5 3/8" Unassembled Frame $1.88
Top boards to frames $1.35
Bottom boards to frames $0.45
9 1/8 end bar $0.45
6 1/4 end bar $0.34
5 3/8 end bar $0.34